Teaching Studio

The teaching studio at Olney Golf Park is the heart of the Performance Golf Academy and was designed from the ground up to provide the ideal environment for learning the game of golf. Each of the two teaching bays opens up to the practice range and is equipped with state-of-the-art V1 video analysis equipment used to simultaneously capture a student's swing from multiple angles. Video analysis allows students to see their swing flaws first hand and provides immediate feedback during drills. Instructors use the video analysis as a tool to quickly identify swing flaws which might otherwise go unnoticed by the naked eye. The instructor can then use the captured video to illustrate to a student what they are doing wrong and how best to correct it.

The professional staff at Olney Golf Park prides itself on being recognized by several major club manufacturers as one of the top custom club fitting facilities in the nation. Our studio is home to eight custom fitting systems used by our certified club fitting professionals to determine the precise specifications needed to maximize a player's scoring potential. A Vector launch monitor is used to precisely determine the ideal combination of clubhead and shaft needed to propel the ball with the optimal launch angle and spin rate.

In addition to its high tech features, the studio also offers some important low tech features, such as heat and shelter from the elements during the winter months and inclement weather. This makes it possible to keep your game in shape regardless of what mother nature is doing. Another benefit the studio offers customers is the ability to try out the latest training aids before buying. Our fully stocked pro shop offers a wide variety of training aids all endorsed and used by our PGA/LPGA instructors to help improve the golf swing. If our teaching staff doesn't use a particular training aid, we don't carry it.

So, during your next practice session please take a minute or two to visit our teaching studio (located at the far end of the tee line) and to speak to one of our teaching professionals about the benefits of video analysis.

OPEN Today!

Regular Hours!

The last bucket is sold 1/2 hour before closing.


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Open Today
Regular Hours

Last Bucket sold 1/2 hour before closing

Starting 5/1/2024
Monday 9:00am until 10:00pm

Tuesday 10:00am until 10:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am until 10:00pm
Thursday 9:00am until 10:00pm
Friday 9:00am until 10:00pm
Saturday 9:00am until 10:00pm
Sunday 9:00am until 9:00pm

Lights out within 15
minutes of closing.

Upcoming Events

Taylor-   made
Fitting Day
Sign Up

Ping Golf
Fitting Day
Sign Up

Call the shop to sign up


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Grass Areas:

Grass Areas are Members Only September 30 through Late Spring 2025
(This includes the Short Game Areas and Grass Tees)

Ask about Membership Options.  Membership has its privileges.

 Grass areas open late on Tuesdays for mowing. Grass areas are subject to close at any time without warning due to weather or maintenance.

Call 301.570.6600 for details