Special Recognitions

Olney Golf Park is honored to be the home of the Salute Military Golf Association.

The Salute Military Golf Association (SMGA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation whose mission is to provide rehabilitative golf experiences and family-inclusive golf opportunities for post-9/11 wounded war veterans in an effort to improve the quality of life for these American heroes. SMGA's Support for Post-9/11 Wounded Veterans:: The SMGA believes the rehabilitative benefits of golf can improve the mental and physical condition of each and every post-9/11 wounded warrior.

The SMGA provides golf instruction, equipment, and playing opportunities for post-9/11 wounded veterans.

For more information on SMGA please click here

On Saturday, June 21, wounded warriors in the D.C. area were treated to a special clubfitting and instructional session at Olney Golf Park. TaylorMade's Tour Van was on-site and is the same van used on the PGA Tour.

 Open Today!

Regular Hours!


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Open Today
Regular Hours

Last Bucket sold 1/2 hour before closing

Starting 11/1/2024
Monday 10:00am until 9:00pm

Tuesday 10:00am until 9:00pm
Wednesday 10:00am until 9:00pm
Thursday 10:00am until 9:00pm
Friday 10:00am until 9:00pm
Saturday 10:00am until 9:00pm
Sunday 10:00am until 8:00pm

Lights out within 15
minutes of closing.

Upcoming Events

Call the shop to sign up


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Grass Areas:

Grass Areas are Members Only October 14th through Late Spring 2025
(This includes the Short Game Areas and Grass Tees)

Ask about Membership Options.  Membership has its privileges.

 Grass areas open late on Tuesdays for mowing. Grass areas are subject to close at any time without warning due to weather or maintenance.

Call 301.570.6600 for details